I love getting massages! My brother use to call me a massage whore because I would try to get everyone to give me a massage. Now that I am older I just go to a day spa for a massage.
My favorite place to get a massage in Salt Lake City is at Breathe Day Spa. At Breathe its not just about getting a back rub and then you leave, its a total relaxation experience. Once you check in you are assigned a locker to change into a robe and slippers, then you go into the tea room where they serve you tea, juice or water and a little treat like a few chocolates or cookies. They bring you a hot towel scented with eucalyptus and a hot neck warmer. The tea room gives you a chance to slow down and start relaxing. I generally get the Total relaxation- full body massage. Sometimes I will add additional minutes. After my massage I usually head to the shower, its a double headed shower (in a private room) and they have all the necessities face wash, soap, body scrub, shampoo, conditioner, etc... The shower is a great way to wind down the pampering and get off all the oil. All this talk about massages makes me want one now.
I thought you would say M is for my favorite sister mary!!!