I rarely wear makeup, but when I do I ALWAYS wear Lancome's Ombre Perfecteur. This little gem helps your eye shadow stay on longer and keeps those ugly creases away. If you don't own this, go and buy it now!

I don't know how I ever went running with out my Ipod shuffle.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is heaven sent! Have you ever tried to clean crayon off your walls? have you ever tried to clean the outside of your refrigerator? How about paint smudges on your car?
Magic Erasers can do all that and more! These little sponges are easy to use, get it wet and wipe.

Tiger Balm puts Icy Hot to shame! When you have sore muscles you NEED Tiger Balm. My sister Julie introduced TB to me a few years ago, it helped relieve my sore muscles better then Icy Hot or ibuprofen! Thanks Julie!
gotta love the tiger balm!