My friend
Lindsey died from cancer about three years ago, since then her mom (Stacy) has been volunteering at Th
e Sharing Place. Stacy is putting together an awesome basket in honour of Lindsey to be auctioned off at The Colors of Life benefit. I just dropped off a few things to put in Lindsey's basket. Stacy showed me some of the things going in the basket. When Lindsey was alive she had the opportunity to meet Niki Taylor. Lindsey LOVED Niki Taylor and when she got sick Niki flew to Salt Lake to meet her. Anyways Niki has sent a few bottles of her perfume and some autographs. I thought that was pretty cool! A bunch of our friends have put some things into the basket that remind us of Lindsey.
I think The Colors of Life will be a fun night! Everyone should go! Did I mention if you go you will be among the first to see the
Andy Warhol exhibit at the Utah Museum of fine arts?

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