Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I need your help! I am starting to make a list off all the baby things I will need (and want) but its a little overwhelming. I need all of you experienced moms and dads input. What are your baby must haves?


  1. i was reading about this today so hence the theme...lansinoh cream, breast pads, pump, nursing bras. there's so much..desitin, all bath things, and lots of other stuff :)

  2. Honestly, the list is long; but if wait until after your showers, you will probably have about 90% of it. (Not to mention 3xs the clothes you need.) Is anyone throwing you a ward shower yet? I would love to do it!

  3. I know that grype water drops cure hiccups amazingly and they are "organic" not real medicine.

  4. Diapers, diapers, diapers.


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