Summer from Sumo's Sweet Stuff
Hello everyone!
I'm so excited to be guest posting over here today. I always love doing this because I get to 'meet' new people!
I'm Sumo, from Sumo's Sweet Stuff!

My real name is Summer, but my husband nicknamed me Sumo when we were dating. (Should I be offended?) Now he's got all of my family, as well as lots of our friends, calling me Sumo. I think Aunt Sumo sounds pretty great, don't you? I live in Utah with my husband, and our two beautiful daughters - Remi & Reece!

A couple of things about me:
- I LOVE Diet Coke. I talk about it a lot. I drink it a lot.
- I'm a total fabric addict. I would buy fabric all day long, with no plans in mind, if I could!
- I'm a total early bird; although I'm sure I would enjoy sleeping in, I always think about how much I could get done if I just get up and get going!
- I like going for long walks on the beach. Well, not on the beach. I just like going on walks to the gas station to get my Diet Coke.
I don't know about you, but I am SO ready for spring, and ready for warmer weather! I think this little project screams spring; it is just so happy and cheerful! It's also pretty quick and easy! Easily made using a fat quarter of that darling fabric you want to buy, but don't have a reason to!
Here's what you need:
- onesie (or a t-shirt would work too, for older kids)
- fabric
- interfacing
- iron
- sewing machine/accessories
The first thing I did was a Google image search for butterfly wing outlines. I picked out the one that I liked and printed it. Then I used it to freehand the wing a bit bigger.
Next I traced it onto a folded piece of paper so that I could give myself a little bit of a body to attach it to the onesie.
Then pin it onto your fabric (I doubled mine up) and cut it out. This will give you double fabric of the entire wing set.
Next pin the pattern to your interfacing and cut it out. After you've cut it out, trim around it again, going in about a quarter inch.
Iron on the interfacing to the wrong side of one of your pieces of fabric.
Pin both wrong sides together, and do a quarter inch hem around the edges.
I then frayed my edges to mess them up a little bit.
All that's left is to sew the wings on to your onesie! Don't look too closely at mine - I had a little mishap so it's a little crooked!
Now put them on the cutest baby body you can find and you've got yourself a photo op!
This onesie is size 0-3 months. I think next time I would do a smaller set of wings for that small of a onesie so that they would stay up on their own better when the baby is lying on their tummy. The bigger size of wings, like I used here, is good for babies that are sitting up, because then the wings will naturally stay out like they are in the picture that I am holding the onesie up.
Thanks so much for letting me share this with you today! I hope to see you all over at Sumo's Sweet Stuff soon! Let's be friends!
I love this! IT is SO cute. Thanks Sumo for sharing :)
ReplyDeletehahahahah that is so stinking cute!!!!