Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Terrific Tuesdays

I am really excited to tell you about a new series here on Whatever DeeDee Wants She's Gonna Get.  Terrific Tuesdays!

You all welcome to join in all the fun!

The idea of Terrific Tuesdays is to plan fun activities to do with our kids each Tuesday. It’s a day to drop what we are doing and focus one day of the week and spend some quality time with our children and have a little fun too.
I have a fun line up of guest bloggers who will be here each week to provide you with an activity you can do with your kids for your own Terrific Tuesdays.

Every Tuesday.
If Tuesdays don’t work for you don’t worry, the day isn’t the important part. The important part is taking the time to spend some quality time with our kids while having fun.
If you can’t spend a whole day that’s ok too, just set choose a day or time that works best for you and your family.

Right here on Whatever DeeDee Wants!
You may want to follow me on Google Friend Connect, on Facebook, Twitter or follow my RSS feed so you don't miss out on all the Terrific Tuesdays fun.

Terrific Tuesdays will start first thing next Tuesday morning. I hope you all come back to join us.

*I got the idea of Terrific Tuesdays from my mother in-law. When my husband was young she arranged a Terrific Tuesdays group in her neighborhood and each Tuesday the kids and their parents would go on fun outings and do fun activities together. Thanks Beth for sharing this idea with me!

If you are interested in becoming a Terrific Tuesdays guest blogger please send me an email.

Monday, May 30, 2011

31 Things- My Birthday List

Today is my thirty first birthday.
For the last few years I have made a list of things I want to accomplish before my next birthday.
This year there are 31 things I want to accomplish before I turn 32.
Some things will be repeated because I didn't accomplish everything from last years list.

Here we go.

1) Read 24 books
2) Try 12 new recipes
That's one a month. Should be doable.
3) Move to all digital scrapbooking
4) Get new glasses or try out contacts lenses
My eye sight is not what it use to be and I really want to remedy it.
5) Try 12 new eating establishments
6) Get to my pre-pregnancy weight
Brody is two and a half and I still have a little ways to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. This year I am determined to get there!
7) Stop biting my nails
I quit this bad habit years ago and just recently picked it up again. I hate it.
8) Have my family picture taken
I have been saying this for years and now that Brody is 2 I really should do it.
9) Update my "in case I die" files
I haven't updated these files since Brody was born.
10) Read the old testament
11) Record my childhood memories
12) Go on a family picnic
13) Learn how to decorate cookies with royal frosting
14) Have a Star Wars marathon
I may have to stretch this out over a weekend
15) Organize my pictures chronologically
16) Make a list of my favorite 25 books
17) Teach Brody to ride a bike
18) Take a cake decorating class
19) Don't eat out for one month
20) Complete my Christmas shopping by December 1st
21) Take a class on flower arranging
I know the perfect teacher for this.
22) Play with my Gocco Printer more
23) Go through my clothes and donate what I don't wear anymore
24) Go on the Mrs. cavanaugh's factory tour
25) Sew a skirt
26) Take Brody to Discover Gateway
27) Go one month with out sugar and treats
This may be the hardest thing on my list.
28) Potty train Brody
I am REALLY dreading this.
29) Throw a party
I want to throw a party just for fun so it can't be for a birthday or holiday.
30) Visit an art museum
31) Go sledding

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Sometimes I play a little game in my head. I like to pretend I won the lottery and I get to build and decorate my dream house. Do you ever play games like this?
Sometimes I will even search the Internet for ideas. One place I like to look for tables for living rooms is on 1001 Cocktail Tables.com. They have a large collections of tables including glass tables.

Sometimes it can be hard finding just the right table to fit your style but the selections at 1001 Cocktail Tables.com and 1001 Console Tables.com has quite a variety. You can find anything from modern styles to ornate and decorative pieces.

How would you decorate your dream home?

This is a paid sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Don't you just love the color yellow? It is Brody's favorite color. He is always pointing out things that are yellow or he wants to eat just the yellow fruit snacks. Sometimes it's that he wants to play with the yellow cars or wear the yellow socks. As long as there is yellow my boy is happy.

I like yellow because its so bright and vibrant. It reminds me of Summer.
I thought I would post some yellow today to brighten up your day.

From left to right.
1) Ruffle front top
2) Salt Water Sandals in yellow
3) Vanilla yellow cupcakes
4) yellow flowers
5) Gingham shorts
6) I can't remember where I found this dress. So sorry!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Book Exchange Party

I love this book exchange party from Reid Girls Handmade.

 Who wouldn't want to go to a party where you get to take a book home?

Who wants to have a book exchange party with me?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Win a cookbook from Rhodes Bake N Serv!

Today I am blogging over at the Rhodes Blog. I am demonstrating how to make double cheese pinwheels. I hope you stop by and check it out. They are really easy to make and taste great!
Your kids will love helping you make them too.

Rhodes has offered to giveaway  
a Rhodes Bake N Serv cookbook 
to one Whatever DeeDee Wants reader!

To enter leave a comment on this post.

Bonus entries
Visit the Rhodes blog (leave a comment there so I know you stopped by)
Follow this blog on Google Friend Connect
Like me on Facebook
Like Rhodes on Facebook
Follow Rhodes on Twitter
Subscribe to the Rhodes YouTube channel
Tweet or post on Facebook about this giveaway

Leave a separate comment for each entry.
Giveaway ends at midnight on Tuesday, May 31st
Winner will be announced Wednesday, June 1st
Winner will be chosen by Random.org

Monday, May 23, 2011


Have you seen all the free printables from Life...Your Way?
There are dozens of great printables and they are all for free. Some of my favorites include babysitter information, birthday organizer, emergency information sheet, online passwords sheet plus a ton more.
Stop by Life...Your Way and check them all out.

Also, I posted about the Babycakes mini cupcake maker at Utah Baby Blog. Stop by and say hi.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's Just Another Stylin' Sunday

Brody really wanted his blankie in the picture.

Friday, May 20, 2011


The winner of the on the mark arrow necklace from Stella and Dot is
Goodnight Moon
Congratulations! Email me to claim your prize.

Pots De Creme Recipe and a Blog Hop

I was asked by Hannah of Sherbet Blossom to be part of the kick off for Blog Hopping With Narrating Life and Sherbet Blossom
What is Blog Hopping you ask? Once a month each blogger in the blog hop will post about a specific theme and link up to other bloggers so you can hop around all the blogs while we share some great ideas with you. 
Today we are posting a quick and easy recipe.

Here is my quick and easy recipe. It only takes a few minutes and a few ingredients plus it taste delicious!

Pots De Creme 
Pronounced: po de krehm

You will need:
1 cup Guittard Milk Chocolate Chips
6 Tablespoons or 3 ounces of whole milk
1 Tablespoons of butter

Pour the chocolate chips into a blender and set aside.
 Heat the milk and butter in a small saucepan.
Once it starts boiling pour into the blender and blend until smooth. 
 Pour into small glass jars and refrigerate.


Now go check out all the other Bloggers in the blog hop!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

75 Things To Do With Your Kids This Summer

Summer is my favorite time of year! I love not having too many obligations and having more time to relax and play. In honor of my favorite season I put together a list of 75 things to do with kids this summer. Most of them free too!

  1. Run through the sprinklers
  2. Have a picnic in the park
  3. Outdoor movie nights. If you don’t have a free movie night in your area, make your own.  
  4.  Make giant bubbles 
  5. Go on a hike 
  6.  Create your own treasure hunt
  7. Take a tour. We have a few fun free tours here in SLC like Mrs. Fields Tour and Sweet's Candy Factory Tour.
  8. Play bigger or better in your neighborhood
  9. Have a side walk chalk contest. Recruit friends and neighbors to compete.
  10. Slip and slide
  11. Head to the library. Not only can you get some great books but they also have some fun activities but they also have story time.
  12. Go fly a kite
  13. Tour the fire department
  14. Play with animals at your local pound. Some have programs where you can come and walk the dogs.
  15. Make your own play dough.
  16. Go camping (even if it's in the backyard)
  17. Build a float for the 4th of July. If you don't have a 4th of July parade near you make one with the kids on your street.
  18. Go roller skating or rollerblading
  19. Go for a bike ride
  20. Teach your kids the constellations
  21. Collect bugs
  22. Create your own play or puppet show
  23. Gather the kids on your street and play kick the can
  24. Have an eating contest
  25. Collect and press flowers
  26. Create your own garden
  27. Learn a dance
  28. Make a lemonade stand
  29. Tie Dye some t shirts
  30. Paint rocks
  31. Make ice cream in a bag
  32. Build a hut or tree house
  33. Go to the local farmer's market. Can you say samples?
  34. Make your own Popsicles
  35. Start a journal
  36. Write a pen pal
  37. Make a family tree
  38. Have a pillow fight
  39. Wake up early to watch the sunrise
  40. Go on a hike
  41. Have a bubblegum blowing contest
  42. Make your own paper bag puppets
  43. Change your voicemail recording...make it fun
  44. Start a kickball game
  45. Feed the ducks
  46. Have a toy sale. Encourage your kids to clean out their old toys and games. Let them sell what they don't need anymore.
  47. Play Chinese jump rope
  48. Do some face painting
  49. Make potato stamps
  50. Frost and decorate cookies
  51. Have a theme movie night
  52. Go on a train ride
  53. Teach your kids how to budget
  54. Visit a local farm
  55. Make paper Father's Day ties
  56. Go fishing
  57. Have a water party
  58. Take a walking tour of your town
  59. Attend free concerts in the park
  60. Play night games
  61. Create a neighborhood Olympics
  62. Do some tumbling
  63. Make and decorate paper mache masks
  64. Learn to skip rocks
  65. Make S'Mores
  66. Play tennis
  67. Build little boats to race down the gutter when it rains
  68. Head to the swimming pool
  69. Visit a splash park
  70. Have a car wash and earn a little money
  71. Go on a nature walk
  72. Cook in the dutch oven for dinner
  73. Have a craft day
  74. Visit the zoo
  75. Finger paint. Use pudding if your kids are small.
For a printable version of this list click here.  

what are your favorite Summer activities?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

DownEast Ladies Night

DownEast Ladies Night
Friday, May 21st
7:00 to 10:00 Pm
DownEast in Sugar House
1170 East 2100 South

I want to let you know about a fun event this weekend. If you are in the Salt Lake City area you should stop by. DownEast in Sugar House is having a ladies night Friday night. It's going to be really fun!
The first 50 people there will get a free gift plus they will be serving snacks and appetizers.

DownEast is also offering some great deals just for the event. How does 30% off clearance sound? Or how about 3 pieces of jewelry for $10? If that doesn't get you there maybe the raffle and giveaways through out the night will temp you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No Thanks!

A few weeks a go Camel Cigarettes started sending me coupons in the mail. I guess they think a few dollars off a pack a cigarettes will make me run for the door to buy some. Wrong!

Last week they thought they would send me a little birthday gift. Aren't they sweet?
Lucky me received Coupons for cigarettes, chew and if that weren't enough they also gave me little sticky notes so I could remind everyone that my birthday is coming up.

No thanks Camel!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Babycakes Mini Cupcakes

Last Christmas my parents gave me a Babycakes mini cupcake maker.
I have been meaning to try it out but I kept forgetting, until last weekend.
I decided to color my cake batter for some fun bright cupcakes. 
They were so easy to make, I didn't even have to preheat the cupcake maker. 
Each cupcake took about 2 tablespoons of batter and only about 5-7 minutes to cook.
They tasted so good we ate them before we had a chance to decorate them.
Babycakes also sells a donut maker, a whoopie pie maker and a cake pop maker.
I am dying to try out the donut maker.
Have you tried any of the Babycakes makers?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

It's Just Another Stylin' Sunday

With all the scrapes and bruises on his legs you can tell we have been playing outside a lot lately. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011


A few days ago Blogger had some glitches, including deleting a bunch of my comments for the Stella and Dot
giveaway. That means many of your entries were deleted.

Will you help me out by re-entering the giveaway for this super cute necklace. I will be your best friend.
Thanks! Click this link to go to the giveaway.

I am also going to extend the giveaway a few extra days to make up for Blogger's issues.
That means you now have until midnight on Thursday, May 19th
The winner will be drawn Friday, May 20th.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Salad in a Jar

I love this idea Paula from Salad in a Jar came up with...salad in a jar.
It's such a simple idea but so brilliant!

I love salad but NEVER make it for myself. I think if I could make a few jars of salad ahead of time I would eat salad a lot more. It's simple, prep salad ahead of time and then when you want to eat a salad, grab a jar. Add dressing and eat or add more ingredients.
No need to pack a lunch, just grab a jar of salad. I love it!

Read more about Paula's Salad in a Jar here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Stella and Dot Giveaway!

 Todays giveaway is from Stella and Dot stylist, Jennifer.
She is giving away one One The Mark Necklace to one lucky winner!
 Have you heard about Stella and Dot? They sell fun and stylish jewelry and accessories.
You may have seen them in a recent magazine or on some of your favorite celebs.
You can purchase online from Jennifer or if you are in the North Carolina area you can attend one of her trunk shows. The trunk shows are a great way to enjoy a personalized shopping experience. You can try on the jewelry and if you host a trunk show there is even some free jewelry for you.

Win the On the Mark Necklace from Stella and Dot

To enter leave a comment on this post.

Bonus entries
Subscribe to my mailing list
Follow this blog on Google Friend Connect
Like me on facebook
Like Stella and Dot on Facebook and tell them I sent you.
Follow me on Twitter

Leave a separate comment for each entry.
Giveaway ends at midnight on Thursday, May 19th
Winner will be announced Friday, May 20th
Winner will be chosen by Random.org

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

He Man Party

 I just love this He Man and She Ra party from Kara's Party Ideas!
My husband may need a He Man birthday party.
When he first learned to talk, his first sentence was " I have the power".
 If you want to have a He Man and She Ra party you can buy the printables from Kara's shop here.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Two and a Half

A few days ago we celebrated Brody's half birthday.
My baby is two and a half! How did that happen so fast?
I can't believe how fast two and a half years have flown by.

To celebrate we ate pizza (one of his favorite foods) and played with Kelli (one of his favorite people). I also bought little tiny cans of coke for him (he loves coke). We got to see airplanes at the airport and bought two new Hotwheels. We also spent the day playing outside and riding bikes.
Brody is such a joy in my life.
There are times when I catch myself just watching him and I feel such an overwhelming sense of joy. I can't describe how it feels when he calls for mommy or the way his face lights up when he sees me. The way he giggles when I chase him can make my whole day.

My little boy has a huge fascination with cars and can recognize cars after only seeing them one time.
He is a super picky eater (he won't even eat bread).
He loves to run and jump.
Brody would play outside all day everyday if I let him.

Brody is attached to his blanket, the corners to be exact.
He is starting to be a little copy cat.
He loves watching daddy play "hit ball"
Each of his Hotwheels has a name.
Brody can be very particular about his clothes and shoes. He knows just what he wants to wear.
He loves shoes just like daddy.

Our Brody boy has brought so much happiness into our little family.
Happy two and a half years!

Friday, May 6, 2011

One Question Interview

I asked a few of my favorite bloggers one question and here are their answers.

What is the best advice your mom gave you?

 Gabrielle from Design Mom
That the price of an object doesn't always correspond to its beauty. 
Beautiful things aren't always expensive.

 Catherine from Design Editor
My mother Susan is a strong, confident and funny mom. Never one to hold back her opinions or thoughts, she's given me a lifetime of valued advice. Of course she's guided me through major life moments, but the things that stick out most in my mind apply to day-to-day life. It's like I have a tiny Mom on my shoulder as I'm about to do something. "You buy junk, you have junk." "Never wear peach lipstick." "Wrap that cake in wax paper or it'll go stale." A million different things and I'm so thankful for it all.

My favorite advice that my Mom has given me is that she has always told me that the dishes can wait. What she means by that is to never turn down doing something with your children just because your house is messy. The dishes and housework will always be there when your done. That time with your children being young and needing you won't. I probably take this advice too literally because my house is always a mess. Hopefully my kid's will have fun memories of things we did together just like I do with my Mom.

 Cindi from A Utah Mom's Life
My mom gave me so much fabulous advice. Probably the best advice was to pursue an education and then to continue learning throughout my life. She set the example for me by going back to school when we were small and finishing her degree. She worked hard and graduated with honors. She's been a school teacher for 23 years now. I always knew that education was important to her.  

What's the best advice your mom gave you?