Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Terrific Tuesdays: Painting with Kool-Aid

Hello.  I'm Amy the creator of Serving Pink Lemonade and I am so happy Dee Dee invited me to contribute on Terrific Tuesdays.  My sister Jeanine and I created our site to share some of the fun things we do with our kids to keep them busy and happy.  At Serving Pink Lemonade you can find kid crafts and food crafts, homemade toys, learning games, book reviews, travel ideas, projects just for mom, and more. Stop on by!

Today I'm going to share with you a fun way to get your kids interested in art.  I did this activity with my daughter and she loved using the scented kool-aid to paint each fruit the way it actually smells.

First, pull the Kool-aid out of your cupboard . . .
(mix each flavor in a bowl with a few tablespoons of water)

Pull the fruit out of your fridge . . .

Now you're ready . . .

So paint away!

My daughter had so much fun with this. She couldn't stop with just one picture. How fun is it that your painted lime smells like a lime and your orange smells like an orange? The bananas do smell like lemons though . . .

(Caution:  Kool-aid stains -- furniture, clothes, skin.  This isn't an activity for toddlers, unless you want your child to turn rainbow colors.)

We hope you have fun with this little craft.  We sure did!

If you would like to guest post in the Terrific Tuesdays series email me.


  1. I can't wait to try this.

  2. This is something new I just learned! I have never thought of using Kool-aid in that way!

  3. Great idea! Cheap, easy, but, most of all FUN! Great thing to do with kids while they are off from school this coming week for Thanksgiving!


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