Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Anniversary! 8 Years!

Happy anniversary Travis! 
8 years!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Terrific Tuesday: Aquatic Bug Hunt

This is one of my favorite summer time Terrific Tuesdays from the past that I have to share again because it is so fun! 
 We are going on a fun adventure with Delia of Delia Creates today!

 I am so happy to be here for Dianna's Terrific Tuesdays. My grandmother's nickname for me is Dee Dee too, so I feel particular akin to her. :)

Today for Terrific Tuesday, we are going on a very special bug hunt.


My husband used to work at a bug lab at the university, and did his undergraduate research on the effects of Rotenone on aquatic insects. He's a fish biologist finishing up his graduate work right now and I am sure he is cringing at how unscientific and unspecific I made that all sound. :) I should put a disclaimer that this post is directed to parents who just want to get their kids out exploring and appreciating nature...please forgive any flaws in my scientific rhetoric.

Anyway, so when Owen was 3 years old, my husband started taking us all out for aquatic bug hunts. It has since become a yearly tradition and a kid favorite in our household.

He used to have the proper equipment: kick nets, preservation alcohol, vials, and tools back then. Here he is with 3 year old Owen in his waders going on our first bug hunt.

And here he is last Spring preserving some of the bugs we found with 5 year old Owen and 1 year old Reid. If you can find little glass vials and a mixture of ethanol and alcohol you can do the same. They make great souvenirs. My boys loved looking at them for weeks after {until they shook them to death}.

But you really don't need all that. As we proved this last Saturday.

All you need are some water shoes/sandals so you can get into the stream and some sturdy buckets. Owen also found this bug kit at the dollar store which came with a little net. Not necessary but useful.

Now, find some shallow, fast moving water. The key is to find white water.

White water means there is a lot of oxygen in it. There are all sorts of bugs you can find in other  types of water, but to find the kind of bugs we are going to find today, you want this kind of water.

We have had record rain/snow/flooding this year so most of the water looks what you see on the left, which is scary and not ideal. Look for waters more like what you see on the right. We had to travel higher in elevation to reach head waters. You may have to do the same especially if you live in Utah like us. Or you can wait until the end of July or into August when the flooding subsides.

Please be extra cautious around the water. I'm sure it goes without saying, but I'm going to say it just in case. Please, please watch your kids around water. Especially around fast moving streams like this.

Now dig around and grab a nice big rock. The uglier the better. 

We sent my husband out to do all the dirty work because we were being extra careful with our kids around the stream. We made them stay on land with me. 

Set it down and watch the rock come to life. All manner of bugs should start crawling out and about. I had to restrain myself from shouting "ewwww."

Can you spot some bugs? They're there. See the little casings that almost look like little hard tubes? Those house Caddisfly nymhs. Just wait and they'll slither out.

You can pick the bugs off and put them in the water 

or just stick the whole rock in a bucket full of stream water.

Then pick the bugs off and inspect.

Those are bugs coming off the rock! Eww...I mean oooh! :)

We also found some interesting bugs on this beaver chewed stick.

These bugs are in the nymph or adolescent cycle of their lives and actually breathe underwater with gills.

Here is a Caddisfly nymph:

A Mayfly:

A Stonefly:

For more detailed pictures go to the Utah State Bug Lab website by clicking here.

For a more kid-friendly bug guide that you can print out go here.
I highly recommend this guide. It gives the scientific names and drawings for each stage of life for many kinds of aquatic insects. It also lists where to find them {habitat}, and other fun facts.
It will  help you find and identify other types of insects found in stagnant water and ponds as well. 

I also recommend asking your local fly fishing shop for some information on the insects unique to your area. My husband warned that it's wise to ask and do your research beforehand, because some areas have bugs that bite. Good to know!

Be mindful that these insects don't make good pets. We brought ours home and within a few hours they met their demise. They need oxygenated water like the stream water you found them in. If you want to "keep" them look into preserving them as I mentioned at the beginning of the post.

The next time you go on a camping trip or on a hike near some water, consider spending some time bug hunting. Your kids will love you for it!

Thanks having me over today Dianna!

Hope you all are having a terrific day with your kids!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Clothes at Gymboree

There is something about red, white and blue outfits that scream summer to me, so when I saw these two  cute outfits from Gymboree I had to get them for my girls. I instantly pictured them wearing them at my neighborhood  Independence Day parade.

They are even cuter in person! And I just adore the details of the ruffles bows and even the buttons have a little detailing on them.
Besides loving how the girls look in their new sailor outfits, I love that the clothes are made of high quality fabrics and the onesie is made of really soft cotton. They washed up great too. Whenever I buy something with red I always worry about the color bleeding but with Gymboree I don't have to worry about that.

Check out a few more of the darling sailor style outfits from Gymboree.

I couldn't just get outfits for the girls so I got Brody this Stars and Stripes Swimsuit. He can wear it with a white shirt to the 4th of July parade and then he will be all ready for the slip n slide after the parade. Brody has worn the swim trunks a few times already and loves them.

Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post by Gymboree although all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Twins: Four Months

Earlier this month Samantha and Sadie started recognizing each other. Up until now they haven't really looked at each other but now I will catch them watching each other and smiling. It is really sweet.

In the sun we can see a little bit of red in both the girls hair. I am excited to see what color of hair the girls will have, when it finally grows in.

Both girls have rolled a few times but Sadie really wants to roll and every time I put her on her back on the floor she starts twisting and tries to roll over.

Sammy loves sucking on her fingers. She is also starting to get a little dimple on one of her cheeks.

Both girls sleep 8 and a half to 9 and a half hours each night. Occasionally I will have to put a binkie back in someone's mouth or re-wrap (yes I am still trying to swaddle the girls, they sleep so much better this way) one of them. It has been a lot of hard work getting them to sleep this much but it is worth all the work. They have become easy to put to bed at night and usually go down with out crying.

Time is just flying by with these two girls. They seem so big to me, maybe it's just those chubby cheeks.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bedding at Macy's

Disclaimer: As part of the Macy's Advisory Board I was compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.

Recently my bedding started getting small holes in the sheets and I figured it was time to get new bedding. I decided to go to the Cottonwood Macy's. They have a big selection of quilts, comforters, sheets, pillows, etc and I love that location! With three kids in tow (two being babies) shopping is not ideal but the Cottonwood Macy's always has plenty of free parking and it's easy to get in and get out fast...just what this mom needs. I was a little nervous to go shopping with my twins and four year old without any help, but it was much easier than I thought thanks to the Cottonwood Macy's staff. I even had a sales clerk ask if I needed help to my car!

Here are some of my favorite bedding sets from my trip to Macy's.

I ended up buying a pale blue Martha Stewart quilt and shams. I love them! The color is so calming and relaxing, just what I want for my bedroom.
The shopping trip was going so well I ended up picking up a few things off of a wedding registry for an upcoming wedding.

Where do you go to buy your bedding?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Free Potty Training Chart

Hello! My name is Michelle Rowan from Everything Charts, and I’m back again this week to bring you another free printable!

At Everything Charts you will find fabulous charts that will help you with daily tasks, getting organized, and keeping track of special dates and milestones. My website is connected to my Etsy store where you can easily browse, purchase, and instantly download the files what you want.  It’s wonderful to own the file you purchased, so you can print new copies whenever you need them!

Whether you’re planning a birthday party, want to help kids keep track of their summer reading, or you want to plan out your meals and shopping list, I have something that will help – and much more! Please have a look!

Today’s free printable is a potty training chart!  This chart helps little ones to work toward a reward as they work on their new skills. Choose a reward together and have your child color in a star each time he or she successfully uses the toilet. They can also check off whether they washed their hands or if they had an accident.  You can set a goal such as “When you get 8 stars with 2 or fewer accidents, you can earn play time at the park.”

What are some of your ideas for rewards? My kids usually wanted to have a fun date with Mom or Dad, play with a special toy, or earn a little ice cream cone.

Come follow me on Facebook or Pinterest, or feel free to sign up on the website to receive notifications of new products, special deals, and freebie announcements! I’d also love feedback and your ideas for new charts. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Reading List

I liked Raven Stole The Moon and A Step of Faith but I can't remember much about The History of Love. Do you ever do that, read a book and can't remember what it was about?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to a great daddy!
We love you Travis

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Are you ready for a fun giveaway? It's all about kids!
We have a fun prize package that includes a $50 gift card to Wish-Works by Chasing Fireflies. They have all the party supplies you need for your child's next party. The package also contains ALEX markers, ALEX Rub a Dub Draw in the Tub set, Melissa and Doug Paint Your Own Treasure Box kit, Skip Hop Owl Backpack and a $100 to Gymboree! Like the Gymboree Facebook page or follow Gymboree on Twitter to get updated on the latest fashions for kids.

The co-hosts for this event are below. I hope you get a chance to stop by their blogs and see how awesome they are!

Whatever DeeDee Wants She's Gonna Get It
Crafting in the Rain
Ashley's Dandelion Wishes
Over the Big Moon
Free Time Frolics
I Heart Salt Lake
Flats to Flipflops

Giveaway rules: enter the giveaway by leaving a blog comment then fill out the Rafflecopter entry form below. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
Winner will be chosen at random and will be notified by email. Winner must respond within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.

The winner is Chrissy Lee!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Terrific Tuesdays: Marble Race Track

Hi! I'm Amy from Serving Pink Lemonade. My sister Jeanine and I created our little corner of the blogging world to share some of the fun things we do with our kids to keep them busy and happy. At Serving Pink Lemonade you can find kid crafts and food crafts, homemade toys, learning games, book reviews, travel ideas, projects just for mom, and more. We'd love for you to stop by!

We're excited to be here again at Whatever Dee-Dee Wants today, participating in Terrific Tuesdays.

Pool noodles make for great summer fun. This activity is perfect for summertime when pool noodles can be found at just about every store--but you don't need a swimming pool for this activity. Anyone can do it, and your kids will love it.

To make the race track I took my dollar store pool noodle and cut it in half. I found that a serrated knife made a much cleaner cut than a regular knife. I then used toothpicks to secure each half of the noodle side by side.

Now it's time to get your kids involved. Have them help by making a starting line . . .

And a finish line, along with any other accessories they would like, such as flags.

Then add a box to the bottom of the track to catch all your marbles and you're ready to race.

My kids love this activity. They will race marbles for hours. It's a perfect indoor activity for a rainy day or can be taken outside so you can enjoy some sunshine. I hope you'll give it a try and have as much fun with it as we have!

If you would like to guest post in the Terrific Tuesdays series email me.  
For more Terrific Tuesday posts go here.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Painted Tin Can Vases

Here's a simple project my son loved, made using recycled cans.

Step 1) first we cleaned our old soup cans and removed the labels.

Step 2) paint the cans with acrylic craft paint and let them dry.
You can use other paints like spray paint but Brody loves using acrylic paint plus I always have it on hand and it dries fast.
Step 3) drill two small holes in the sides for the ribbon.

Step 4) string ribbon through the holes and tie a not at each end.

Step 5) fill the vase with water and pick some fresh flowers to fill it.
You can hang the finished vase (filled with flowers) on a friends door knob, ring the door bell and run. It's a fun surprise to open the door to some pretty flowers. You can also hang them in the yard by hanging them on small shepherds hooks.