Spring has sprung and I couldn't be more happy! I'm Yvonne from Tried and Tasty and I'm so excited that Dianna invited me to be here for the Spring Fling. When you think of spring what do you think of? I'll tell you what I think of: warmer weather, longer days, spending time outdoors, but most of all: FLOWERS! I have a thing for gardening. Mostly fruits and vegetables but also beautiful flowers. There's just something I love about getting my hands dirty and experiencing nature first hand.
I was inspired to make these Savory Spring Petal Pull-Aparts by these Breadstick Blossoms that I made for Rhodes last Spring! Don't flowers just make you happy inside? I know I just love seeing the little starts popping out of the ground. Even more I love watching them grow in to beautiful and marvelous plants.

So how about these adorable Savory Spring Petal Pull-Aparts? Have you heard of Magleby's Rolls? Oh my heavenly. One bite and they will change your life. I'm serious. They are amazing. For a step-by-step photo tutorial, check me out over on the Rhodes blog. Here's what you'll need:
1 bag of frozen dinner rolls (regular, not Texas rolls), thawed but still cold Mayonnaise (amount depends on number of rolls you are making) Melted Butter Freshly shredded Parmesan Cheese Garlic Powder Dried Parsley Place mayo, cheese and butter in separate bowls. For each flower you will need 4 1/2 rolls. Take the cold, thawed, ball of dough, and cut in half. Dip the top half (of each half) into each bowl starting with the mayo,then the butter and finally the cheese. Form the center of the flower into a ball. Place onto a greased or silicone mat lined cookie sheet (cheese side up). Follow with eight petals placed around the center side-by-side. Sprinkle with garlic powder and dried parsley. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

1 bag of frozen dinner rolls (regular, not Texas rolls), thawed but still cold Mayonnaise (amount depends on number of rolls you are making) Melted Butter Freshly shredded Parmesan Cheese Garlic Powder Dried Parsley Place mayo, cheese and butter in separate bowls. For each flower you will need 4 1/2 rolls. Take the cold, thawed, ball of dough, and cut in half. Dip the top half (of each half) into each bowl starting with the mayo,then the butter and finally the cheese. Form the center of the flower into a ball. Place onto a greased or silicone mat lined cookie sheet (cheese side up). Follow with eight petals placed around the center side-by-side. Sprinkle with garlic powder and dried parsley. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

But wait... there's MORE! If you like the savory variety. How about a SWEET variety as well? Head on over here to Tried and Tasty to see how to sweeten these petals!
I would love both the savory and the sweet ones!